Are You Ready for the Next Disaster?

A nice little article over at Cheaper Than Dirt today.  As if you needed a reminder but, it doesn’t hurt.

BLUF: Disasters happen.  Preparing for them is time consuming and expensive.  It still needs to be done.

Are You Ready for the Next Disaster?.

It’s interesting, as much as I travel I have pretty much ducked most of the “disasters” that could have had a major impact on me.  When Mt. St. Helens erupted I was within 60 miles or so, and had a brief front row seat of the thermoplastic flow down the Toutle river.  A close friend of mine was on the other side of the Cascades and actually had to hole up in Leavenworth, Wa for a few days.

On 9/11 I was in Ft. Worth instead of NYC.  I have spent a fair amount of time in NYC and in DC, both before 9/11 and since.  I was certainly impacted by the event, and the subsequent restart of air travel as I was 1000 miles from my wife, and 3 month old daughter but, for the most part it was a “TV” event.

I have been on the edges of countless hurricanes, dodged tornadoes throughout the south and Midwest.  Mourned friends and colleagues that were killed in terrorist attacks from the 80’s through the present.  Disasters happen.  Preparing for them is time consuming and expensive.  It still needs to be done, and you will never be complete.

One of the first things I learned on the first camping trip I ever took was “be prepared”.  At that time it was, have your compass, your whistle, and some matches on your person at all times.  That then evolved into, adding rain gear and cold weather clothing for summer (80 degree) trips.  Hypothermia is bad news, and can happen at any time.

Take a look at the photos and video of Joplin, and ask yourself if you are ready.  I have been to Joplin, and remember many of the places that are now a flattened pile of rubble.

Could you deal with the flooding that is taking place in Montana?  What about the Mississippi issues?  Are you at risk?

I could go on but I have slipped into random thoughts at this point.  Do you know where your go bag is?  Do you have what you need to keep you and your family alive if all you have is a pile of boards to work with?

A couple of other quick links for you on bug out bags here and here

Stay safe and be prepared.

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