Common Sense

Maybe I am more sensitive than most people to issues of security.  I’m not real sure why that is, maybe it was all the counter terrorism stuff that we did in the 80’s.  Maybe it is because I travel so much, and often am in some unusual and unfamiliar territory.  In any case, the more that I read from folks that are professionally responsible for self defense courses, or personal protection the more I scratch my head and say “Why do you think it is important to say these common sense things”?.  Then I have to remind myself that I am not the norm.

Over at Practical Firearms Training, they have posted a nice little article about personal security.  A checklist of sorts that reads to me like common sense but, this may be some new information for you.  So get over there and read through their list.  It is pretty good.  In general, there are several good articles in the “reading” section of the site.