Open / Concealed Carry

There are a lot of articles, and sides to the “gun control” issue as a whole.  While I doubt that this is the case, I seriously hope that much of that argument has been tabled with the recent Heller decision.  The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental individual right and “shall not be infringed” by government.  Enough said on that.

One of the debates that this now opens up is how one exercises that right.  There are long arguments and discussions to be had regarding the carry of weapons, open, concealed, not at all, etc.  Personally, I have no problem with any of those choices, it is and should be up to the individual and what they feel comfortable with given the situation.  I have worked on projects all over the world, and every situation and society is going to be different.  It becomes a matter of what is more important to you in the situation.

Personally, I can reach out and touch someone in excess of 1/2 km away but I don’t ever expect to have to exercise that skill ever again.  By the same token, I can take someone that is trying to start a physical altercation with me and fairly discretely inflict sufficient discomfort on them, to walk them out of the altercation location and most likely defuse the situation.  If it escalates, I can manage that too.

The carry issue really impacts that intermediate range threat.  How do you deal with an armed, or unarmed threat when you are in an auditorium of 500 people and your in the 20th row back from the threat?  How do you deal with that guy over there driving the bulldozer into the Saturday Farmer’s Market, similar to the event yesterday?

You may be thinking, nice setup, where is this whole post going?   Well over at Chuck’s place he put up his reasons for carrying a weapon.  I am certain that I could add a few more (as could he) but here is the one that haunts my thoughts, and has for sometime now…

2. if your daughter or wife were being raped, or your child abducted, would you rather I shoot the bastard, or call the police and give them a good description of the “suspect” and then help your wife or daughter to the hospital?

Go read the whole thing here.  Read the comments too, there are a couple of winners there.

Now couple that with the news from Vermont today.

Draw your own conclusions.