So Very Wrong

Now, I have tried to remain open minded and listen to the presidential candidates and what they have to say. As much as I hate admit it this far ahead of the election, my mind is made up. I am sure that you have had the opportunities to watch the video and listen to the man. In this case, and many others, I think he is flat out wrong.

Oh and by the way, why does he single out Spanish?

BHO goes on to discuss how American’s will not speak the native language of a country that they are visiting. Hmm, again his opinion and mine differ. But why would this be a political plank? Why is this an issue for the campaign?

Here is how I see it when I go to Europe. I have enough of a smattering of Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and German to make myself understood in those countries. However, I think it actually becomes more difficult for the person I am speaking with than if I speak with them in English first. 95% of the time it is easier for a shopkeeper, or cab driver, or waiter to understand my English than to understand my Italian / Spanish / Dutch / or German. In my experience, for the most part Europeans will appreciate your effort but refer you back to English for the conversation. Why as a Senator or President would you be embarrassed that Americans speak English when they are in a foreign country?

Ivestor’s Business Daily has an interesting take on this here