The House Is Crumbling

August is approaching.  I see that the Democratic Party is struggling to find their unity, and that BHO is waffling worse than any other political candidate in recent memory.  Here is one of the latest that I find fascinating:

The Times commentary drew a furious response from the McCain campaign, with Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) calling it “an unbelievably brazen effort by a politician to rewrite history.” He accused Obama of building “a political strategy around losing” the war.

Republicans were not alone in that response. Michael E. O’Hanlon, a Democratic defense analyst at the Brookings Institution who has been an outspoken supporter of the war in Iraq, said he could not believe that Obama would put such a definitive timeline into print before a trip to Iraq, where he is to consult with Iraqi leaders and U.S. commanders.

“To say you’re going to get out on a certain schedule — regardless of what the Iraqis do, regardless of what our enemies do, regardless of what is happening on the ground — is the height of absurdity,” said O’Hanlon, who described himself as “livid.” “I’m not going to go to the next level of invective and say he shouldn’t be president. I’ll leave that to someone else.”

The lengths that this guy will go to to get elected, “I’ll say whatever wins me the votes today and we’ll do whatever we damn well please after the election”.   Ah, news flash here… people are figuring that out.  You may not even win the nomination at this point.  Remember all those super delegates that can change their minds???  I am absolutely certain that there are a lot of back room deals being worked to redirect those votes.  Denver will be interesting.