Would you trust anyone that has not been punched in the face?

One of the first things that got me interested in blogs was an essay by Kim du Toit that focused on the Wussification of America.  That essay is no longer available on line (or at least it wasn’t the last time I checked).  However, this theme seems to be picking up again.

You should go read this: “Never Trust Anyone Who Hasn’t Been Punched In The Face”

Teddy Roosevelt, my ideal President, kept a lion and a bear as pets in the White House and took his daily exercise doing jiu-jitsu and boxing. He even lost visionin an eye in a friendly boxing match while he was president. Our last three glorious leaders are men who kept fluffy dogs and went jogging. I don’t trust squirrelly girly-men in any context. When confronted with difficult decisions, they don’t do what’s right or tell the truth—they’ll do what’s easy or politically expedient. Unlike the last three, Teddy Roosevelt never sent men to die in pointless wars, though he was more than happy to go himself or risk his neck wrestling with bears.

The entire essay is pretty good, go read it.