Happy Birthday WIILSHOOT

WIILSHOOT turns 1 today.  The first anniversary of the site, and what has grown into a focus point for shooting in the local area.  Not to mention, that the guys that are involved here are damn good shooters and pretty cool guys in their own rights.  I was lucky enough to stumble upon the site soon after I really began thinking about entering into the shooting sports. 

I started this whole journey with a mind to dust off some old skills with a rifle.  Found out that yeah, I can still read the wind, and put a round on a 7 inch target at 1km, consistently without too much effort.  At that point, I started looking for something with a bit more of a challenge, and that I could participate in more frequently.  In this case, I came across some introductory “Action Pistol” matches, and some introductory 3 gun matches.  Getting an opportunity to “play” in these venues once month over the spring and summer (assuming that my schedule allowed it) was great, and the triggering event to begin focusing on this sport.  Facilitating everything has been the calendar at WIILSHOOT, and Les’s comment after a 3 gun match that we had both been at to introduce myself to the “big blue smurf” (himself) the next time.  The rest is history in the making.

As a result I have embarked on this shooting sports journey, and WIILSHOOT.com and TEAM WIILSHOOT have been a big part of that.  Happy Anniversary guys! 

P.S.  Yes, I am shooting steel tonight.