Writing Skills

I have said it before, I just don’t have the artistic flair that seems to grace the fantastic writers among us.  I tend to write in a straight forward, engineer like manner.  Conveying the thoughts, facts, or opinion without a lot of trappings.

Then I run across those that have the flair, that can set the scene and convey the feel, the taste, the smells and sounds of an event in such a way that you feel you are almost watching over their shoulder.  When I  run across these posts, and books, I am absolutely in awe.  It is more than just moving a tale along, it is more than just laying out the facts, it is more than creating a set of characters and a plot.  It is about setting the scene and evoking feeling and emotion.

Brigid has done this to me again, I am awestruck, and reminded that I have much to learn about writing.  Go read this post.

What do you hear and feel when you read about that coyote?  I would venture to guess that it is more than I can ever hope to evoke in any of my readers.

Almost as an after thought, it is a great reason to carry.