Well Done

Below is a video.  It is a little long and the sharpness of the transitions is a little bit on the rough side.  That said, it presents it’s message in a very thought provoking and powerful way.

You don’t have to agree with every point of the message.  You don’t have to do anything but, take four minutes to think about the fundamental points that it makes as you view the political season over the next 4 weeks leading up to the general election.

5 thoughts on “Well Done

  1. Time passes so quickly, these young people who are speaking are thinking of the future, their future and when people voted 4 years ago they were thinking of a pipe dream and bought into a poisoned apple called Obama. For four years we’ve had no budget, we’ve spent like profligates, we’ve seen criminality, venality and ineptness and we’ve heard from the White House that the Constitution is antiquated and should be brought up to speed people who are much smarter than the “Founders” of this country; vote like your country is under attack by socialists, communists and stupidity, vote for the Republic and what it stands for, vote Republican.

  2. This needs to be played on every TV station in prime time on November 5th. The present breed in Washington DC is busy selling our kids and our future down the river. I am retired but I would gladly give up my Social Security check in return for a balanced (no smoke and mirrors) budget and a path to make us debt free.

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