Philosophy For Monday

Way back in the 20th Century radio was the primary means of electronic entertainment (my kids will never believe that).  During that time, the creative human spirit migrated our ability to create stories and act them out to this new fangled wireless media.  One of the more popular shows (running for 24 years) was The Shadow.  The tag line, “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” is still well known today with the story line being recreated in movies, and other media.

Down in Texas, “Lawdog” presents a story about the Monster inside all of us.  It is worth your time to give it a read.

My question to you is twofold:

  1. When was the last time that you took a look at your monster in the light of day?
  2. Do you have the discipline to control it? Or, maybe better, what do you do to exercise it so that you can control it?

If you haven’t thought about your internal monster for a while, perhaps you should.

2 thoughts on “Philosophy For Monday

  1. Thor,
    Good call. Great blog, I wish you were out there more. I never called it a monster, just life. We chewed some of the same dirt in the Marines, and I was fortunate enough to have become a Police Officer, even after having been a disabled vet. Now I am a biologist in FL. S*&^t happens dude, live with it, or die from it. As long as my beautiful wife and babies are safe and fed with a sound home, life is good. If my old life comes back to protect them, or my friends, then so be it. A monster is not always a bad thing, except in the eyes of those who cannot comprehend such a thing.
    Semper Fi,

    • Hi Jeff,

      I thought that Lawdog hit the nail on the head with this one. He called it the monster, I tend to think of it as “the darkside”, the bottom line though is that we know that it is there, what it is capable of, and the importance of calling on it only when we need it. It sounds like you have your priorities nailed, and know when and how to access your monster when needed. Mother Green taught us well.

      Semper Fi

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