Now Arriving

Ding Ding…Ding Ding…Ding Ding… Now arriving…. The Future.

This is a lengthy video, about 25 min. long.  You need to watch every minute of it.  The future has arrived.  BTW, the way that the presentation is constructed and woven together is amazing.

It is interesting that this is the second or third piece this week that I have seen that is focused on bio-manufacturing.  The ability to grow cells that will meet our needs as plastic, or textiles or food or drugs is incredible.  Applying that science such that we can produce drug compounds from goats and cows is so creative that it floored me.  This is the future.  Being able to produce products that today are derived from petrochemicals by growing them is one of the keys to disconnecting our economies from fossil fuels.

To say this stuff is REVOLUTIONARY is an understatement.  The change over to this approach to production is already well underway and some of the percentages that are quoted are incredible.  The cost changes that have taken place over the past several years are even more incredible.  Pay attention to this, this is going to change the world as we know it.

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