Boomershoot – Day2

The post is a bit late but better late than never.

Another cold morning to start the day.  The weather overall though was pretty good.  Winds ranging 6 to 10 which impacted the shooting but after having to remount my optics overnight (using locktite this time) I figured I was going to have to start pretty much from scratch on all my zero setting sfrom the day before.

The day ran pretty much the same as the previous day.  Picked up some pointers from MSG Hubbard and from Monte which were good.  Wound up making some modifications to my physical shooting position and the way that I was postured behind the weapon.  Using a bipod means I really did not need that front hand supporting the rifle, so I was able to adjust my entire left arm and use that hand to steady up the back end of the weapon more.

The shooting went well.  I was able to rezero the weapon very quickly, and wound up reaching out successfully on the steel to about 650 yards.   Anything beyond about 550 though got to be very challenging.

We came back into about 380 to shoot boomers and I was very pleased with my performance.  One to two shots on each.  Very comfortable with that range.

That evening was the Boomershoot Dinner met some new folks and faces.  Gene Econ was pressed into service as the guest speaker when the scheduled speaker cancelled.  He did a fine job.  I wound up having dinner with Joe Huffman and his family.  A very enjoyable time, and Barb made me feel right at home.