My How Times Have Changed

Today we have “journalists” that have been convicted for crimes in North Korea.  Historically our response would probably have been to overtly move a carrier battle group into the area.  Supplement that with some covert activity in North Korean waters, airspace, and some SEAL incursions.  Rattle the sabres a little bit, make some diplomatic moves backed up by the big stick, and eventually work a release of the prisoners.

Today, we are part of the kinder gentler global view.  We take private diplomatic measures, and publicly send messages asking for release, based on humanitarian grounds. (article here)

Officials said the issue of a possible payment to North Korea has not yet been discussed, but they said the United States would not be averse to playing along.


Hold the presses,  BREAKING NEWS —-  North Korea is a state that has been on the terrorist list for years.  This is a state that has never complete a peace accord with the US or the UN or South Korea since that little police action in the 50’s.  This is a state that today announced that they have OFFENSIVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS.  The boys and girls in Washington, that we refer to as our National leadership better pull their collective heads out of their idyllic fantasy world and wake up to reality before we wind up in a nuclear exchange with a third world dictatorship.

We successfully survived a cold war with multiple nuclear superpowers.  Evolved through a global evolution of trade and information sciences and we are going to wind up throwing it all away in a nuclear exchange with North Korea?  This can be a pivotal tipping point in the evolution of humanity and in our ability to influence those that do not share the common goals of the industrial world.  If the nuclear genie comes out of the bottle in NK, it will burst forth in Iran, Pakistan, and most likely India as well.   This is not a scenario that the world can afford to have happen.

One thought on “My How Times Have Changed

  1. Forget war, forget all that. Let’s just send them a subscription to the Fruit of the Month Club and sit back and wait for the nuclear detonation.

    Unbelievable. My Dad’s generation would have gone in, gotten the journalists, kicked some butts and been home already for the parade.

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