Cato On Obama’s Health Care Town Hall Meeting

I have been trying to stay way from Presidential politics since the election.  I haven’t been 100% successful but, the goal was to provide some opportunity for the administration to find their way.  Set forth a plan that perpetuated the values that this country was founded on.

Unfortunately, we have (and continue) to see:

a.)  Missteps from the executive branch

b.)  Exploitation from the Congressional branch

c.)  Degradation in the principles, and values that helped this nation achieve an unparalleled level of success and way of life.

It is time to weigh in on some of these issues.  It is time to start swaying opinions, and start preparing for the next set of elections.  Many of the folks in office today are not seeing the reality of life, or the consequences of their actions.  Why is it that so many on the outside are able to quickly point out the risks and issues inherent in the proposals on the table.