Crazy Wingnut Theory of the Day

As many have been pointing out, the headlines the last few days seem to be a continuous stream of, “This just in.  Michael Jackson is still dead”.

Hmmm…. Crazy wingnut theory for you.

Historically, administrations have been accused of starting wars to bring the US economy out of recessions. Alternatively they use foreign policy crises to distract folks from domestic problems.

We have a war going already and it is not being prosecuted in such a manner as to stimulate the economy (but it could be). The current foreign policy of this nation is in a shambles and wandering without any decisive direction. Domestically nothing seems to be working to give the American people a happy buzz(health care, cap and trade, bailouts, etc.)

What if, Michael Jackson’s death and the entire continuing coverage by the media is being orchestrated to distract the American people from… well everything else that is happening in the world?

Just a crazy thought.