
Well I am well overdue to update this site and provide some semblance of what I have been up to.  Fortunately I have been very busy.  Unfortunately I don’t have a lot in the way of “media” to show for some of it.

I shot the 3Gun Nation National Championships last weekend.  I finished 180th overall and 155th in Practical.  Some ups and some downs and one stage where the wheels just plain “came off” but, for the most part I was pleased with my performance and know where to improve.

In the meantime, while I find time to do some video editing and compile more postings here is a couple of hours worth of video for you to whet your whistle.  Particularly for those that wonder what this 3 Gun sport that I speak of is all about.

Here are a few of my acquaintances and friends that are at the top of the game, doing what they do better than anyone else.