2016 Is Here

2016 is here, and I still failed miserably at posting “stuff” in 2015.  So, I think that we are going to leave 2015 in the past and crank thing up for the 2016 season.

The quick update to everything is, after shooting the last match of my 2015 3 Gun season at Polo 3 Gun in October I took some time off.  I shot a little bit of pistol at local indoor matches this winter to keep my hand in but, I just haven’t been cranking in the practice reps or the work to improve.  I suspect that this will show immensely as I begin to spin up for the season.  I have a feeling that I am going to be fat, and slow (what else is new) until I can get more reps in, and get the rust off.

I did have a chance to shoot an indoor, pistol caliber carbine, 2 gun match yesterday.  There were some good things, and there were some less than good things that took place.  I did have one awesome stage where everything worked right, and things came together.  I also had five less than awesome stages where mags fell out of guns, mags fell out of mag pouches, safeties got stuck, etc.  All that said, I did not DQ and I was pleased with my shooting, just not my ability to work the guns.  Only two people shot the match “clean” and one of them was me.  Which is my one of my three overriding goals every time I shoot.  Shoot safely, have fun, and shoot a clean match.  To top it off, one stage was fast.  I will take that every time.

I think it may be time to invest in a “Go Pro” or something similar as I seem to always forget to ask people to shoot video for me.

In any case, the season is started.  Time to start getting some practice in, and start concentrating of some respectable performances.