NHL Game – Part 2

In the last post I wrote about the Rangers – Capitals incident from 3 May. I would like to contrast that with the Flyers – Penguins incident from 4 May.

This particular incident looks really minor but, is in actuality one that placed the Penguins player at risk of significant injury. To set the stage, the Penguins are winning the game handily (I believe it was 6-3 at this stage), and in desperation the Flyers pull their goalie to try and get a couple of goals to tie things up.

You can ses Friedman on the breakaway just directing the puck into the empty net. Behind the play a Flyer player slashs Friedman and the referee’s arm goes up to call the penalty, which is negated by the goal being scored. After the play is over, and Friedman is coasting away from the play there is a cross check to his hip that causes him to loose an edge and have an out of control collision with the boards.

This is a play that warrants a very close look by the Department of Player Safety, and a hearing has already been scheduled. Gostisbehere reached out to cause the contact after the play. He may not have anticipated Friedman losing his edge but, this one probably gets a one game suspension and a fine.