Blackhawks Win!

And so the 2014-2015 season comes to an end.  It ends with the Hawks shutting out the Lightning for a game six win.

There are a lot of good stories out there about the game, and the individual stories surrounding the series, the season, and the game.  Short version, the Blackhawks came to win last night, and it showed.  Every playoff series is a battle and the Lightning played to win, they just didn’t get the right bounce of the puck and just weren’t able to capitalize on their opportunities.

There are a lot of important things to point out about the game but, I think ESPN has done a good job documenting those stories.  But the thing that stands out in my mind (aside from the hockey) is that no one decided to host a Stanley Cup Riot in the city last night.  How long has it been since we had a Championship win in major sports that was not used as an excuse to burn a few cars, and loot a few buildings?

2 thoughts on “Blackhawks Win!

  1. It will be interesting to see if the same calm prevails in Cleveland or Oakland! But when the Seahawks won the Superbowl (and again when they lost) there was no burning or looting.

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